The large numbers of students who finish their course work yet fail to graduate, is evident that the gap brought about by research needs redress.
The number of students at tertiary institutions, who struggle and even give up on completing their studies due to research, is a concern.
Might it be that insufficient time is allocated to research methods, or may it be that this topic is too difficult?
Or may it be that those who disseminate information on research methods, give a raw deal to students?
While these and many other questions may remain unanswered, the truth that students require support on research methods, cannot be questioned.
A great temptation is to throw in the towel and fail to graduate together, another one is to go to university notice boards or into the internet and look for research writing gurus.
Our consultancy shall not offer you such a quick fix, which leaves you more disempowered than you were before the start.
Rather, our tutors will discuss with you each point, from topic selection, through proposal writing, to the defense of the final thesis.
Through a step-by-step accompaniment, you shall be equipped with the called-for competencies so that when you finally defend the thesis and acquire the papers being sought, indeed hard work shall have been done to your satisfaction.