Language is a preserve of human beings, more advanced than the communication done by other animals. Animals generally communicate to meet the realization of basic needs (food and shelter), as well as security, in response to their instinct of survival. Human beings on their part, communicate at that level, but also at other levels to meet other human needs among them social, cultural, psychological, as well as economic. The purposes of language for the human being are therefore, multiple and immense. Language marks a people, giving them identity and belonging. Anyone that purports to work with a people, ignoring their language, is bound to have insurmountable difficulties. These difficulties largely impede the amount and even the quality of the deliverables. Acquisition of a people’s language, not only places one at an advantage, but also allows for the reception of the service being rendered.
At our institution, we are set to walk with you at your pace, We shall equip you with the needed grammar, speech, listening, reading and writing skills through well-organised and personalized drills. The writing skills shall include also functional writing to allow you communicate adequately. Talk to us, and give us a chance to journey with you as you interact with local communities.