Futility of Thought

Earn as much as those of the first world after producing as little as those of the third world. Live a life so lavish as those of the developed world, after producing as little as those of the developing world. This is the sure way of entrenching poverty. Indeed, this is the unquestioned principle that defeats any efforts towards sustainability. A culture so wild as to negate any laws of nature. A practice so irrational as to question any modes of its actors’ education. This is the trend that leads to the destruction of a people.

Yet so powerless are her offspring! Leaders go out riding on policies, and implementing their precepts, with their eyes on the present. Much focus is on what is there for me as an individual.

Is it not basic knowledge that a community is as rich as its wealthiest leader!

A turn into the metaworld is a sure solace. Concentration on life after death, tranquilizes any perception of the day’s hunger. The perceived injustice is placed into the waiting list. The pacific that ensues is enough dose to numb any current  pains. The present is not important, since it is drowned in the liquor of the drug, or of the altar. Live for the present, the future shall mind itself. This is the true spirit within an under-developing mind.

Schooling replaces education.

Grades stand for competencies. Certificates take the place of skills. Educators are overtaken by teachers. Learners are drowned by pupils. Cramming of strange news is in the place of relevant knowledge. Money-making hubs substitute learning centres. Riches and outward-shows are instead of values. The outer world is all that matters, what is at the doorstep is to be overlooked. Refuge is all out there, in here all is stench.

Health is no more wealth, so why invest heavily on it? A nation need not strive for the health of her populace, pain killers suffice. These offer relief to stop from screaming in pain.

A sure slow death is imminent. By then a myriad of causes shall have been availed. In case the top cream ails, so much is readily available, only a flight away. With banks saturating in resources, all is set for any billings. Why then care so much for the multitude!

Housing need never be expensive. A slight shelter to cover the roof suffices. The size does not count. Its hygiene is a no-go-zone. It can even be on squatter lands. When needed, all that is to be done is a demolition. Bulldozers in the night have enough spot lights to see the necessary. Cries of properties lost shall be in the news at the wake of dawn. Two to three days it shall hit the headlines. After that all shall be forgotten. The cries shall soon die away. Policies shall continue to take effect. Incomes shall continue to trickle down. Contract monies shall again be availed. Life shall be as normal. 

The love that comes from the developed neighbors, is a sure way to show tears. Charity takes the place of justice. Its prevalence demonstrates a world that really cares. Our pains are certainly theirs. How come they appear to support our destructive methods? How come we never learn despite interacting with them on a day to day basis? How come we remain damping grounds? Shall our salvation come from them? Has any society’s redemption ever come from the outer world? Just as dryrot comes from within, so too renaissance vigor is from within. From the pith does vitality ascend. Ours is only to turn into the within. Only from there can our redemption spark. 

The vicious cycle in our thinking has but to change.

A transformation has never been so needed. We cherish that which past generations so jealously defended.

What is there for us to show to coming generations? Each at their own aboard has to generate a different thought. Orthodox thinking shall never yield unorthodox results. Resources remain staring at us all round.

How ready shall we exploit them for growth?

Indeed YES, success is from within and never from without. I have to think differently, do things differently, and I shall beget different results.

That is transformation.

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