What would you do?


The words from a police officer broke the silence.


His eyes were glued to the table that was full of equipment. The Television looked exactly like his. Even the radio and the microwave. All were as his were.


He desired to ask a question. How could things being so similar yet so together?

He was offered a seat. Two, in-fact were what he and the wife had been offered. A short talk ensued. It was such a lovely encounter. One that was not so common, because he never desired to visit police stations.

He had been asked to come. This had been done through a phonecall from a stranger. From the friendly voice that the stranger had emitted, he had found it necessary to visit the place. It was not so far from where he worked. In fact it was a walking distance. He had called his wife. The officer had indicated that he needed to come with a witness. He was confused on what could have happened.

Soon after a few exchanges, a new visitor was brought in.

Heny” he shouted at this new face.

This was a young man that he knew all too well. He had encountered him in prison. Not that he had been imprisoned but he had gone to mission there.


Being a psychologist he had chosen to do his practicum in the prisons. This is where he had met Heny; who was such a cool young man. At times he expressed signs of retardation. As a young man, he had found himself on the wrong side of the law. Having no one to defend him, and having little knowhow on self protection, he had ended up in prison.

Two years was his sentence. Soon he would be released. His family was no where to be seen. They had abandoned him. Their religion did not allow them to associate with one who had been imprisoned.

This was a defilement to their faith.

The encounter that I had with him and with a few others, had led me to see the Divine incarnate in them. It was important to extend a social hand.

Charity was never meant only to be done by those of the white race. Africans too could be engaged in such activities.

A few rooms were yet to be completed. These were meant to be rentals. With this new need, a hand could be extended. The few young men were welcomed into the home. At first the community around was so jittery.

In fact they even called in the law enforcers. This person is bringing wanted criminals to the locality.

How hard it was for me to look at these staunch believers into the eyes?

Where was their faith?

Where was their desire to reach out to the marginalised

The fights did not last long. Soon the government of the day, and some other like minded persons had come to my aid. The deal was settled.

I looked at him, and then turned the eyes to the officer.

The loose ends of the story were beginning to come together. I had granted him some task to do at my compound. He had been doing that for some time now. I guess he knew well the movements. He even was aware of the places where the keys were hidden. Easily he had managed to get the keys and open the behind door. My wife had been away in search of companionship in the neighborhoods.

Heny had taken what he thought was good for him. Into a sack, he had concealed his loot. No one knows whether he desired to sell or to keep it for his new house.

Rumour had it that he had already got a suitor and were about to tie the knot. In fact they had even gone to a nearby religious leader and had discussed the matter.

This religious leader was also part of this present gathering. He looked at me in dismay. How could all of us be fooled by this young mind?

I looked at him again. He looked naïve yet sad.

I threw a glance at the equipment. Indeed it was important that he learns a lesson. That would mean that I allow the police to take him away. Through a second jail term, he would learn well. I looked at my wife and she remained tight lipped. I did not see any anger in her. Rather pity was filled all over her eyes. She looked at me and smiled.

What shall we do?

We took some time out of the crowd. I guess I desired her to make the decision. It is her that would have been most affected by the loss.


She looked at me again and uttered, “Let us leave him alone!”

That confirmed what was going on in my mind. I did not want to be the one to get the young man back behind bars.

I communicated this to the officers. They looked at me in disbelief. They wanted to be sure that I was sure about what I was doing. Indeed all was clear in my head. I did not want the boy’s blood to be on me.

The religious leader looked at me. He whispered something to me. I am not sure I can really remember whet he said. In all, there appeared to be a fatherly look and whisper in him. We all had decided to let the case go. The police however, had to carry out their discipline. I had no control over what they were going to do. I looked at them all. A few words were exchanged.

After all we were granted our things.

We were asked to carry them back to their residence.

I have followed up the story of that young man, and now he is rather mature. I am not sure if he really became that which the Divine desired of him.

At least he married and got a family. The ambiguity of the matter remains in my mind. How many times has the Divine done similar things with me?

Given a second chance, what would I do? 
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