Change is inevitable and for Kenyans, yet another moment for change is here.


Another one is about to take up the mega task of managing the affairs of our country.


This time it appears that it shall be either “THE BLUE” or “THE YELLOW”. 

The blue has a rich history marked by struggles. The team has been at the forefront as Kenyans fought dictatorial regimes. This leader knows all too well the inside of concentration camps and prisons.


He pretty well understands exiles, state-instigated police brutality, and near-death threats. No wonder the co-driver is a lawyer who has had a history of human rights-related struggles and constitutionalism. As they embark on taking up the baton, in Government or opposition, what fibre do they plan to employ to glue them together and allow them to carry out their national task?


If in Government, how will they manage to wade through the environment where “it is our turn to eat” appears to have been the norm? That they have profited from support from the incumbent is no secret; what entails the scratch my back I scratch yours, in their in-house conversations? For those others that stood by them, what patronages shall be exchanged, and how shall these propel justice to all, and desist from nurturing further corruption?


If they do not appear to have very successful careers in entrepreneurship, and money-making ventures, how will they manage to deal with the heavy national debt burden and the ever-biting poverty?

If the baton to run the Government is handed over to the yellow, the drivers too have a history.


The driver has had a busy political history largely marked by huge successes. His political cards appear to have fallen into place many a time to his favour. The same appears to be the case with his entrepreneurial escapades. To some extent, this may have informed the choice of his running mate.


Despite these success stories, efforts from some significant persons, including the highest of positions, have made frantic efforts to mud him with continued labeling allegations: a liar, a thief, corrupt. This is not new in Kenyan politics; one is a dear brother when needed, and the worst of enemies, when cards require that s/he is disposed of.


Though such is the history, some may have been granted a dagger, with which to start and continue the stabs. These may continue their efforts even during the governing and administrative era. Such pictures are often not so easily erased and the duo has to have clear plans to do that which works towards the laundry. Even with that, like their counterparts, how do they deal with the patronage theme, as well as the very famous adage, “it is our turn to eat”?


They have proven that they can be entrepreneurial at the individual level. How is that elevated to the national level?


The national debt, the poverty levels; again how possible and speedily can that be converted to stop eating up the citizenry? 

           It would be unfair to turn the page, without addressing lessons learned from the incumbent.


I am of the humble opinion, that tyranny of numbers favoured him and so he genuinely took up leadership. Certainly, there are great things that have happened under his watch, among them sports successes, peace, and infrastructural development.


While the second national driver spent his last few weeks asking for forgiveness, the third went around thanking the citizenry. The present rather chose to go round campaigning for his preference, to the last day, while mud-slinging his one-time brother. This unique position was received with divergent emotional reactions by different people.


Others, chose not to join the divergent groups but rather entertain critical inquests: what exactly happened?


What does this say of both, but more so of the incumbent? What is the authentic purpose of the move? What lessons are there for the present and the future?



The list of inquests can be continued. 



 As for the citizenry, bravo! You are the greatest losers whenever chaos arises, though never are you the greatest financial beneficiaries of peace. Nevertheless, amidst the day-to-day struggles, we need to go around our daily errands to put “UNGA” on the table. Bills continue to rise with statutory and taxes. Poverty continues to glare at us and those closest to us. We need to genuinely focus on the real issues that face us.


Thanks that the hullabaloo of political rallies has now gone silent. For those who had received some daily chores, being hired by the competitors, re-think the strategies. The reality is that while all the promises still ring in the ears, work is done by the individuals. If it were that they shall do their part, thanks; if it were that they may choose to do a little while filling their pockets, let us do our best to hold them accountable in the day-to-day public participation forums.


Woe shall be ours if we choose docility, only to wake up again in 2027. Let each take charge of our own lives, of those closest to him/her, and of persons that we have hired, and shall continue to sustain through the payment of taxes emanating from our hard-earned labour.  

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