Yet again we have sung the “Silent Nights” and the “Felice Navidads”. 


We too have eaten more than our usual fills and have spent more hours in leisure, visiting friends and having good times. Of course, some have had enough or even too much to drink, even engaged in manners that condemn any delayed gratification. 


Some among us have had no such privilege; they have spent these moments wishing that a meal could come their way, nursing their unhealthy states, burying their dead, escaping from debtors, in prison, and police cells, amid many other life woes. 


Life can be mean, is it not? 


Yet none of the effects of these external situations is directly proportional to the levels of happiness. 


Paradoxically, many were meant to be happy, yet ended up miserable; many whose conditions warranted them to be miserable, yet things changed as they chose to be satisfied. 


There are those who went in search of happiness, only to reap misery. Life’s mysteries never cease!


What is the denominator in us all, is that we are at the end of one solar calendar and the start of yet another. 

Accept our gratitude at Afro-Heritage Consultancies for indeed in whatever ways, you have been our companion.



You truly have given us a purpose to be and to do! With and by you, oblivious of the physical distance between us, we feel fulfilled.


Together, we are the co-creators that we were tasked to be. The void that would have been generated by absence, was filled by you in whatever you did.


The human person (you being central), in all wellness, is our business. 


In this coming year, some dreams shall be realized, while others shall be shattered. No one exactly knows what fate holds in the days and months that are yet to unveil. All that is there for us, is to be and do that which is humanly possible to make not only our lives better but that of our immediate neighbour. Lest we forget, the environment is also one such neighbour and, in many ways, one of the most important. It is in always thinking of this human and environmental neighbour, that our exploitation of resources shall not jeopardize those of future generations. 


Again, the trumpet sounds warning our very ego; we are but custodians and nature shall at all times hold us accountable for our actions. It is based on this, that we have to each be our brothers’/sisters’ keepers. The vice that we engage in today, no matter how sugar or honey-coated it may be; no matter the number and intensity of justifications given, shall have its consequences.   


As we embark on the days ahead, additional trumpets sound like we are masters of our destinies. Truly so, my successes (and inversely, my failures), are founded on how I have spent (spend and will spend) the Divine granted gifts of life, health, time, and acquaintances. Perhaps as I think of the years past, these quadruplets may have signaled how much of a wreck I have been; how careless, miserly, or even spendthrift I have been in attempting to make the best use of these gifts. As the adage puts it, never cry over spilled milk. So, rather than lament times past, cherish the lessons learned from these past experiences. With you being a guru now, look ahead and act starting from this very minute if not second. 


Happiness today melts all the past regrets, for life is NOW. 



It is the NOW that builds the tomorrow. 


Any attempts to procrastinate are again going the all too familiar path, whose culmination is I WISH I KNEW/DID IT!



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