On the 18th July, 2024 we travelled to Maanzoni Lodge (Athi River) for a workshop on Emotional Intelligence and Communication competencies at the Work Place.
The two-hour workshop input started with a breaking of the ice activity that quickly immersed the presenter of the day into the already coherent team. The presence and active participation of the Country Director (Namun Heo) as well as the Managing Director (Aihua Chen) was instrumental in bringing together the top administration and the rest of the team. The choice of the locality and the facilities available created the needed aura for the input.
The presentation was backed by real life experiences as well as insertions of humour to allow the participants to engage.
The feedback from the participants through both the verbal and the non-verbal pointed to connection with the topic and with its content.
In the end a Question-and-Answer session was availed where real issues on the ground came to light.
As a carry-home, participants were invited to visit the Afro-Heritage Website where a well-researched write-up was available for free download.
Also, the slides that directed the input were present.
This connection and collaboration were seen as a start of an ongoing relation that shall see to the wellness of the concerned individuals and of the relevant organizations.