Purpose elevates the human being above the umbrella of basic fauna and flora.

With the capacity to keep record of the past, have an enhanced awareness of the present, and a plan for the future, we certainly are not at par with pedigree cows or with the best of productive orchards; we are masters of these creations. When parents/guardians, teachers, employers, church leaders or even government leaders treat their children, students, employees, congregants or even citizens, as basic fauna, it becomes the worst of human degradation.

The result is certainly devastation and destruction of both the instigator and the victim. Also, a lack of continued effort to elevate oneself to a meaningful life, through a continued search for self-purpose, is a regrettable reduction of oneself to garbage.

It is worth the realization that a mastery of this stated position does not elevate us to or even above the level of the Supreme Being.

The Supreme Being is the Master Planner.

He is the owner and Creator of the giant Jig-saw puzzle. In His aboard, we rightfully occupy our place which is within the grand jig-saw.

There are those who spend their entire life time attempting to fit in the wrong slot. This inevitably leads to frustrations and ineffectiveness.

There are those who on the other extreme, speedily identify their slot within the puzzle. Not only do these ones appear to have all fitting into their itinerary, but also their fruitfulness is evident.

Many however, are in neither the first nor in the second part.

Somewhere in between the two extremes, they lie. At times they appear so successful and so sure of their thoughts, emotions and even activities.

Whatever they engage in then appears to be realizing full fruition.

At other times one wonders whether it is really them; they elicit such folly that is to be scorned.

I guess that is where many of us lie. With that then, we have a continued struggle in such of life meaning. That generates fun and excitement, as we learn from past experiences, look forward with hope, and at other times, and surrender to the power of the Mighty.

But even within all that, what is my life purpose? (click for pt2)

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