A borrowing from Eisenhower’s Decision Matrix gives a model with which I desire to work.

Eisenhower: adopted from www.expertprogrammanagement.com

An understanding of one’s personality, irrespective of the search instrument, sheds so much light into one’s inner strengths as well as limitations.

If you fall into the category of the know-it-all, shrug your shoulders, and make faces on the mention of personality, you may as well continue the path of self-destruction.

For the others, a continued search through multiple intelligences and talents, forms a secondary base on which an understanding of the self is further explored.

With the two therefore, it is clear that no one is a junk!

On that base then, how does one maximize on productivity?

Eisenhower’s Decision Matrix has a role to play.

Life, health and time, in that order, are given gratis, and to many, on equal measure. This presents a solid capital, upon which one is expected to build their wealth. Apart from the unfortunate elements of negative ethnicity, bad governance and politics, manipulative religious sermons, corruption and nepotism amidst other evils, happiness and inner satisfaction, are directly proportional to the realization of one’s purpose.

A realization of one’s necessity quadrant, allows one to prioritize and spend one’s times on it. However, this does not add authentic value to one’s life. 

In this quadrant, one may be extremely busy and having constant complains of fatigue, yet little satisfaction. Duty at work, may easily fall into this category. Times however, should be scheduled for the value-adding quadrant. Within it things that do not require immediate action are done.

This may include pursuance of additional competencies not needed at the exact moment of the decision.

The two lower quadrants, fall into the realm of deception and waste.

Deception comes in handy since, one may appear extremely busy, yet the engagement is on things that hardly add value.

A constant concentration on this, may reduce one to the level of an adolescent mind.

The final is a no-go-zone. While it is tempting, and shows a typical waste of a non-starter in activities, it is burdening to the individual and to any one near the person.         

As you plan your coming day, have a clear list of what falls into each of the quadrants.

This includes beliefs, practices, persons, friends and even relatives who/that add or fail to add value to your life.

An honest look into the self is key. If you need help, then look for it!

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