When I decided to focus my Ph.D. on women and more so on widows, many asked why. My conscience over time has dealt with that question and here, I share a few of these thoughts.

Of the World's population, 49.6% are women. 

In terms of longevity, women have up to 10 more years of active and actual life expectancy, compared to men.

Studies are clear on women being better at cooperative activities than men. HIV-AIDS, hunger, and poverty-related studies point to the direction of women being more resilient, in times of devastation than men.

It is in our history that in countries where war devastation has eliminated many men, leaving women to run the show, immense development has resulted (Germany and Rwanda are such examples).

Do you need any more reasons?
The focus on widows is founded on two realizations. Over 15% of households in the developing world are headed by widows. In addition, over 65% of married women, get widowed by the age of 60. A lack of concentration on widows would be attempting to propel a world to Social Transformation, leaving out such a significant and huge arm.

In case you fall into the category of thinking that widowhood is out there, a few statements may wake you up to the importance of acquainting yourself with widowhood.

If married, man or woman, the chances of you getting widowed or your wife remaining a widow is quite high.

As a father of daughters, what happens when these lovely angels are widowed at a future time?

As a policy maker and employer, how do you deal with widows under your care, to allow them to be productive?

This book sheds so much light on all matters pointed above.

More so it grants information derived from the widow’s discourse; it is the voice of the widow.

Listen to this voice, lest you are still in the docket that views widows as husband snatchers and those that can never survive without a man!

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