The Heroines of Society

She woke up in the morning in readiness to go for her morning errands.

After preparation, she uttered a statement to wish the husband blessings for the day. To this, there was no usual reply.

This prompted her to steal a glance amidst the dim morning light.

The way he slept portrayed total serenity. There even appeared to be a smile around his lips. She called him, this time a little louder. She did not desire to wake the children up.

They were on holiday and needed some added sleep. To this second louder call, there was still no reply. The third time the call was even louder. It was not only empty words but a shake-up was also exerted.

There appeared to be some groan or was it just some air getting through the gullet?

The neighbor had heard the two last calls. It was unusual for her to raise her voice on an early morning. This neighbor felt that all was not fine.

Things could no more be ignored. Soon she joined the friend and neighbor. Their two families had lived together since their arrival from the village.

They were almost age-mates and their husbands allowed this pair to hang around together.

A crowd was gathering this early morning. The first arrivals felt that he was warm. Some even beaconed that he was breathing. Quickly a neighboring vehicle was pulled to the main door. Two men joined the wife and the other woman.

They had to take him to hospital. As fast as they could, the other neighbors assisted in the entire ordeal, and the trip began.

On arrival at the first hospital, the attendants came out and looked at the patient. They revealed no secrets. Their leader advised the relatives, “Take him to hospital B. We do not have the machinery needed to admit him.”

Oblivious of what was happening, they responded to the appeal. Soon they were at Hospital B. The attendants brought out a stretcher. Two of these attendants took him in. At the emergency room the doctor threw a glance.

The glance was not so promising. He threw another glance and appeared to do some errands. In the end he invited two of the persons in to another side room.

The wife and one more person. He asked some questions and finally let out the information, “He was no more.”

True to it, he had passed on long before they had started the trip. Perhaps he had passed on towards the morning.

Could it be that the contact that he had had with the wife disallowed his temperatures to drop?

Could it be that in disbelief the wife and all those around her could not realize or even tell that he was no more?

Death remains a mystery.

Especially that of a spouse. Of all human losses, that of a spouse is rated highest. It brings forth deep pains. Stories may be told of how widows do not weep. Others may even accuse them of having murdered their spouses. Cultural practices, weird and insane may be done under whatever customary guise.

That does not wade away the pain of the widow.

Today as we celebrate the day of widows, let us call upon God the husband and the comforter of the widows.

May he console those that are still mourning. May he provide for those whose provisions went away with the husband. May he bring justice to those that still face injustices with no protector. May he be the father of the still growing siblings who need fatherly guidance.

Today as we celebrate the day of widows, may God grant us a heart to say a consoling word to a known widow. May he remove in us the tongue of blame that makes us utter nasty words to widows. May he grant us the wisdom to know how to interact humanely with widows, wading away from us any attempts to take advantage of their situation. May we never use our tongues to judge widows. May we desist from any accusations towards widows. 

Today as we celebrate the day of widows, may God bring to our awareness that the wives that we so love, may one day end up being widows. That our daughters that we so cherish, may one time end up being widows. That our dear sisters that we so much care about, may one day be widowed. 

In unison with all widows in the world, may we say a prayer to them so that God grants them serenity, peace, livelihoods, and all that it takes for them to move on. May their children prosper as well as their counterparts who have both parents.

May the society and all that read this article have a changed mindset towards the next door widow. 


Dear Father, embrace and comfort each and every widow, now and forever. Amen.


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